Most daily audio listening is at home, but declining post-Covid (Edison Research)

In a newly released chart, Edison Research illustrates new research findings about daily audio listening. The key point is that daily listening in the home showed a second consecutive year of decline. This trend follows a Covid spike of in-home listening that peaked in 2022, as illustrated below.

Edison’s commentary expresses some surprise at the persistence of the Covid-influenced listen-at-home trend:

“What we couldn’t have predicted at the time is that this trend would continue long past the official lockdowns. In fact, at-home listening did not peak until Q4 2022, two and a half years later. During that year, even as listening in other locations began to slowly rise again, we still listened to over 2 ½ hours of audio at home every day.” –Edison Research

Edison observes the dust settling on that trend: audio listening in the home is reducing to a level resembling pre-Covid data — between 12 and 19 minutes separating at-home listening from all other listening.

See the original HERE.

Brad Hill