The European Broadcasting Union is about to embark on the primary launch phase for access to dot-radio domain names. The domains are intended exclusively for broadcaster unions, broadcast radio stations, internet radio stations, radio amateurs, DJs, radio hosts, news people, and radio-related companies. Registration for the dot-radio domain name will start on August 23 and remain open until October 31. The annual prices for those domains is projected to be between €200 and €250 (~$236 to $295) for companies or about €25 ($29) for individuals.
“The coming launch is key for the radio community, the dot-radio team will seek to optimize domain name allocation and solve contentious issues, while ensuring authenticity of all dot-radio domains,” said Alain Artero, EBU’s radio TLD manager.
Following the primary launch, the EBU will have a general availability phase with first-come, first-served access to the domains.