Podcasting company Castbox has introduced a new option for show creators to add a live audio component to their work. The feature, called Livecast, supports hosting interactive audio shows with live broadcasts and real-time listener engagement. The live events can be automatically recorded and reposted as regular podcast episodes.
Livecast supports up to eight simultaneous speakers and unlimited audience. Listeners can call in and participate or provide live feedback. They can also engage with hosts and fellow listeners in a show’s messaging room. There is also a virtual gifting option included so that Livecast listeners can demonstrate their appreciation through in-app purchases that the show creators can cash out.
“Podcast listeners are already considered one of the most engaged audiences but podcasting itself has largely been a passive activity,” Founder and CEO Renee Wang said. “As a dedicated podcast platform catering to power users, we’re introducing an interactive element that pulls the audience into the show to immerse them in audio content in an entirely new way.”