Comedy and conversation lead in AnalyticsIQ study of podcast listening behaviors

The firehose of podcast advertising research brings a new deck from AnalyticsIQ, an Atlanta-based research consultancy. The study is titled Podcast Listening Behaviors, and takes its data from Pew Research Center, Forbes, and the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau).

The report’s thesis hangs on two basic facts: Podcasts have grown in popularity, and that growth is an opportunity for marketers. On that arguably self-evident premise we dive into the numbers.

Audience Metrics

A big “Did You Know?” banner states that 65% of U.S. adults have listened to a podcast in the last three months. Then, demographic and behavioral details. We are told:

  • Millennial andGen Z generations lead listening, with Boomers bringing up the rear.
  • Thirty percent of those cohorts listen at least once a week.
  • YouTube is the most-used listening platform (59%); Spotify is second (44%).

Those three bullets in data graphs:

Genre and format are two seemingly must-have statistics in podcast studies, and AnalyticsIQ doesn’t disappoint.

Comedy and True Crime lead the genre sweepstakes, while Conversational and Interview (which really blur together) are top formats. See below:

Gaining Purchase

All of the above might be considered essential background, leading to the most pertinent pitch to advertisers: Consumers respond to podcast ads by consuming.

Millennials lead in purchasing, with 28% of Millennials making a podcast-driven purchase within three months. As seen below, all the age breakouts perform decently in this metrics:

The report is authored by Megan Capodanno, Senior Research Manager at AnalyticsIQ, former UX Researcher at Cox Communications. PDF available HERE.

Brad Hill