Vox Media announced its first-ever fall podcast lineup, a move that will double the volume of the media company’s audio programming. The seasonal update includes new seasons of three existing shows: The Impact from Vox, Why’d You Push That Button? from The Verge, and The History of Fun from Polygon. The Vergecast and The Ezra Klein Show will switch to a twice-weekly publishing schedule beginning next week. Vox show The Weeds will begin publishing special episodes in the lead-up to the 2018 midterm elections in November.
Vox also produces Today, Explained, a daily afternoon news program that will continue in the fall.
The media company is also introducing five new shows:
Pivot with Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway, Recode: An assessment of how technology impacts business and culture from two leading thinkers on the subjects.
Start to Sale, Eater: A seven-episode season about launching a successful business with CEO/founders Erin Patinkin of Ovenly and Natasha Case of Coolhaus.
It Seemed Smart, SB Nation: Stories about trickery and mayhem from across the world of professional sports.
Function With Anil Dash, Vox Media Podcast Network: An exploration of how software has caused change in culture. Dash is an entrepreneur, activist, and writer who will host the program.
Untitled project, Vox: Few details for this podcast, which will premiere “along with a new section of coverage in mid-October,” according to the announcement.