Rephonic’s Podcast Audience Graph maps podcast listener relationships in beautiful interactive screens

Podcast database company Rephonic has launched the Podcast Audience Graph which is both fun to use and a smart discovery mechanism. Anyone can try it HERE.

Entering a podcast title brings up an interactive galaxy of podcasts representing listener relationships. So, Crime Jumie appears in the middle of an interactive cloud of podcast logos — the shows that Crime Junkie listeners also like. First-level connections are mapped in bright blue; second level connection in gray.

The Crim Jinkie example predictably leads to other True Crime podcasts. Likewise when finding news podcasts connected to The Daily, for example. Deeper digging can be had with niche shows. We tried The Carson Podcast, a retrospective show featuring interviews with guests and staffers of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and saw a fascinating spray of shows about The Beatles, athletics, comedians, and much more.

Clicking any podcast logo in the graphic provides and informational box — quite useful. Sadly, you can’t sample the audio from there. But you can click for more info, or directly create a new graph around that podcast.

We’ll be using this delightful tool a lot. You can also learn more about Rephonic HERE.


Brad Hill