MusicWatch answers questions about who’s buying vinyl

New MusicWatch data explores the surging interest in vinyl among modern music buyers. “Although vinyl is not growing as rapidly as on-demand streaming the format continues to grow, thanks to continued interest from younger consumers who keep it hip,” the analysis finds.

One facet of the data is a breakdown between purchases of new versus used vinyl. Used records have a higher monthly average of buyers in the U.S. than new. More than half (58%) of vinyl buyers only purchased used, while 32% only bought new and 11% spent for both.

The study also broke down the age groups who are buying this music format. Among all vinyl listeners, age 55+ was the largest at 26%, but followed closely by ages 13-24 at 24%. The 25-34 group accounted for 20%. The younger ages were most interested in new vinyl – 13-24 was 34% and 25-34 was 27% – and also took the biggest shares in used vinyl – 27% for 13-24 and 32% for 25-34.

MusicWatch vinyl age groups

Anna Washenko

One Comment

  1. Since GEM left the marketplace it seems to be much more difficult to find an
    avenue for KOLDPOP RADIO has many 45’s and pop and many more jazz albums I wish I could find a home for.

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