RAIN News and XAPPmedia invite you to partipate in Internet Radio and Streaming Report 2015, a comprehensive survey of industry insiders about trends in the streaming audio marketplace.
Internet Radio and Streaming Report 2015 is an open survey intended for participants in the streaming audio industry. Both streamlined and comprehensive, it is designed to produce vital intelligence about industry issues in an efficient survey that can be completed quickly.
Topical categories include:
- User trends
- Industry economics
- The future of Internet radio
In a series of multiple-choice questions (and one open question for original thoughts), industry insiders can forecast audience growth, ad loads, ad rates, advertising sectors, the podcast market, music royalty rates, and more.
Results of the survey will be presented in a forthcoming webinar.
To participate in Internet Radio and Streaming Report 2015, CLICK HERE. Participants may enter a drawing to receive a complimentary registration to RAIN Summit West, April 12 in Las Vegas.