Study: U.S. Copyright Act exemption costs $44 million for EU rightsholders

A new study investigated how an exemption in the U.S. Copyright Act impacts songwriters and composers in Europe. The law in question allows certain small restaurants and retail businesses from getting licenses for music played on the television or radio in their establishments. According to this data, that exemption costs $44 million annually to rightsholders in Europe and $109 million for those in the U.S.

The study was funded by GESAC, the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers, in an effort to end those exemptions and generate more money for their members. Independent consulting agency PMP Conseil conducted the study.

GESAC is lobbying for European leaders and organizations to urge their U.S. counterparts to address the exemption. They argue it was ruled unlawful by the World Trade Organization in 2000 and is a breach of TRIPS agreements.


Anna Washenko