Knowledge, networking, and music at RAIN Summit Europe

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A combination of conversation, presentation, music, and meeting will characterize RAIN Summit Europe, November 9 in London. Hundreds of attendees will have an opportunity to meet industry leaders of streaming audio, while learning from 16 knowledge sessions covering advertising, podcasting, research, mobile listening, metrics, and radio innovation in a digital world. It is the leading gathering of online audio experts.

In a first for RAIN Summits, a live music performance will feature electronica band MERAKI. The group will open the second half of the day, following a full catered lunch.

The all-day, single-stage event is held at The Royal Institution, a beautiful venue with an intimate auditorium that puts the audience close to the presenters. Reservations have accelerated at a record pace; seats are still available and should be reserved without delay. CLICK HERE for information and registration.

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Rhys Hughes

The Summit keynote will be presented by two programming leaders of the BBC, Rhys Hughes (Head of Programmes Radio1 and Radio1Xtra, and Ben Chapman, Head of Popular Music. Their fast-paced dual presentation features metrics and video.

Per tradition, RAIN Summit Europe will feature a Pecha Kucha, the Japan-derived 20×20 format, wherein 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. both the audience and the presenter must be on their toes, and this year the brave presenter is Pierre Naggar, VP of Programmatic Demand, Europe, at AdsWizz.

Executives from radio, online audio, technology companies, and research organizations in several countries will deliver and aggregate a comprehensive picture of the streaming audio industry in its many dimensions. CLICK HERE for a complete agenda and speaker list.


RAIN News Staff